Christmas 2017

My friends, family and I have battle fatigue. We’ve been fighting against sexual abusers and harassers, corrupt politicians and corporations, the loss of net neutrality, the loss of national parks, the barrage against public schools, the court system, and so on. We are weary and don’t  feel the Christmas Spirit. We cannot ‘Haul out the … More Christmas 2017

For Mormon Helping Hands

I’m completely inspired by this video. I propose that Mormon Helping Hands start a ‘Broadway’ division that will arrive at clean-up scenes to sing and dance and create an inspirational recovery video while actually cleaning. I think our awesomeness would rise to heretofore unfathomable levels.

MoTab Nooooooooo!

Just before Christmas the Mormon Tabernacle Choir announced that they had agreed to sing at the inauguration of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.  Heartbroken saints quickly signed a petition begging them not to do this. Please MoTab, please decline!